Tumors are caused due to uncontrolled growth of cells. Thus a mitosis inhibitor could be effective medication to treat tumor because it will inhibit cell proliferation and development of tumor.
Step-by-step explanation:
- Tumors are mass of tissue that developed as a result of uncontrolled cell division.
- Cell division is a continuous process in our body and it replaces old and damaged cells with new one.
- But in case of tumors the cell division takes place in uncontrollable manner and continues to add cells to the tissue while the cell death do not take place.
- Ultimately an unwanted overgrown mass of cell develops that hinders with the normal functioning of the body.
- Tumor are classified as benign tumor and malignant tumors.
- Both these tumors need to be treated as they develop as an unwanted hindrance to the body metabolism.
- The best way to check the growth of tumor is to inhibit the cell division in the tumor tissue.
- Thus a mitotic inhibitor which will inhibit mitosis could be a good medication for treatment of tumors.