A. Muscle Tone-
Determined by alternating motor units of a muscle organ even when the muscle is at rest
B. Wave summation
The situation in which contractions become stronger due to stimulation before complete relaxation occurs
C. Tetanus
Continued sustained smooth contraction due to rapid stimulation
D. Maximal stimulus
The stimulus above which no stronger contraction can be elicited, because all motor units are firing in the muscle
E. Multiple motor unit summation
How a smooth increase in muscle force is produced
Step-by-step explanation:
Muscle tone:
Arises from weak and involuntary contractions of its motor units that causes some amount of tautness or tension in the muscle
Wave summation:
It can be called temporal summation. A different stimulus acts on a muscle before completion of the previous relaxation period causing stronger contraction.
It occurs when rapid stimulation causes continued sustained smooth contraction. The motor nerve acting on a skeletal muscle releases large amount of action potentials
maximal stimulus
Produce the strongest muscle contractions by increasing the stimulation
Multiple motor unit summation
It controls the force of contraction using recruitmen