Well, most of the Americans do not feel good about these sources. Because you can feel the polluted atmosphere of the available to them.
Step-by-step explanation:
According to the reports and different researches most of the Americans do not feel good about the current news sources available to them. Most of the available news sources plays biased role into the society just to get rating or due to the business pressure. There are some sources on which Americans do believe because of their long trusted history. Journalists opinions about different topics matters to the society. Most of the journalists agree to the point that now a days there is no clear line between showbiz, news, or entertainment. That line is blurred.
News sources executives just care about the money due to the business pressure. Due to the business competition between different news or media sources the quality of the journalists work or quality of the news reduced. Many journalists feel pressurized because of their executives. Most of the Americans agree to the point that news quality reduced.
If we talk about social media platforms news sources. Then there is manipulative environment into the social media source. Americans confused about these platforms. They also do not feel good about these resources.