Conditioned response
Step-by-step explanation:
Conditioning learning is an style of learning where a conditioned stimulus is associated with an unconditioned stimulus and they produce a conditioned behavioral response.
In this learning, at first, the unconditioned stimulus produces the unconditioned response (and this means that a stimulus produces a response in a natural way), then the unconditioned stimulus is paired with the conditioned stimulus that does not produce the response on its own but once it's paired with the unconditioned stimulus and after some repetitions, the response is produce in presence of the unconditioned stimulus and it is called now conditioned response.
In this example, the unconditioned response is the spinning in circles and wagging his tail in excitement. The unconditioned stimulus is the lead clipped onto his collar. The unconditioned stimulus is Sal's putting his tennis shoes before a walk and the dog behavior of spinning in circles when he does that is now the conditioned response.
Sal's dog associated Sal's putting his tennis shoes with going for walks and that's why he acts excited now as soon as he puts on his shoes.