Step-by-step explanation:
Yet Tim Burton's, Alice in Wonderland (2010), had a good box-office performance as it earned $1,170,947,285.00 USD worldwide, it was poorly received by the critics, who mainly alleged the film was unable to maintain the minimum coherence out of nonsense; a coherence that the original narrative masterly achieves. These statements appear to be overlooking Burton's intention to re-imagine Alice in Wonderland, rather than adapt it to the screen.
Once this is considered, it is possible to appreciate how the director adds another dimension to the story that consists of a criticism of society's impossibility to imagine and re-imagine their reality. The characteristic eccentricity found in Burton's work here works as a symbol of that which people reject and fear while choosing manners and fashion. Thus the importance of starting the narrative when Alice's is proposed marriage, this is, one of the main gates to adulthood, but also a potential symbol of adopting society's models.