a. line 4, runtime error
Step-by-step explanation:
A runtime error is an error that occurs during the execution of a program. Runtime errors indicate bugs in the program. For example, running out of memory, dividing by zero, referencing missing files, calling invalid functions, or not handling certain input correctly will cause a runtime error.
Let us go through the code step bu step:
here you have declared an integer variable count and assigned it a value of 1, in python, to declare a variable all you need to do is to assign it to the datatype you want it to be. in this case 1 is an integer.
This while loop is a control flow statement that only stops when count exceeds 4
This prints out the count value to your screen
The variable "i" has not been declared, and this will lead to a runtime error.
- print("\\The loop has ended.")
This prints this loop has ended to the screen.
The result of running this code has been attached.