Step-by-step explanation:
Both diamond and graphite are made entirely out of carbon.In a diamond, the carbon atoms are arranged tetrahedrally. Each carbon atom is attached to four other carbon with a C-C-C bond angle of 109.5 degrees. It is a strong, rigid three-dimensional structure that results in an infinite network of atoms. This accounts for diamond's hardness, extraordinary strength and durability and gives diamond a higher density than graphite. Because of its tetrahedral structure, diamond also shows a great resistance to compression. Diamond will scratch all other materials and is the hardest material known. It is the best conductor of heat that we know, conducting up to five times the amount that copper does. Diamond also conducts sound, but not electricity; it is an insulator, and its electrical resistance, optical transmissivity and chemical inertness are correspondingly remarkable.
The carbon atoms in graphite are also arranged in an infinite array, but they are layered. These atoms have two types of interactions with one another. In the first, each carbon atom is bonded to three other carbon atoms and arranged at the corners of a network of regular hexagons with a 120-degree C-C-C bond angle. These planar arrangements extend in two dimensions to form a horizontal, hexagonal "chicken-wire" array. In addition, these planar arrays are held together by weaker forces. The distance between two layers is longer than the distance between carbon atoms within each layer. This three-dimensional structure accounts for the physical properties of graphite. Unlike diamond, graphite can be used as a lubricant or in pencils because the layers cleave readily. It is soft and slippery, and its hardness is less than diamond . Graphite also has a lower density (2.266 grams per cubic centimeter) than diamond. The planar structure of graphite allows electrons to move easily within the planes. This permits graphite to conduct electricity and heat as well as absorb light and, unlike diamond, appear black in color.