The split between Byzantine East culture with their Eastern orthodoxy and the roman Catholicism with the popes.
Step-by-step explanation:
As in Europe the Catholicism was growing with the popes in the middle age, the economic and political power were increasing. At the same time in India and Egypt, the military process was ascending to their zenith, and in China the islamic world were having a lot advances in science.
Due to this events, in Europe during the 12th century, they started the blast furnace with Iron, in this way this area of the planet started to fill with new weapons for having expansion. Also in education, the first universities started to be working.
On the 14th century in Europe the sickness were an epidemic disaster that killed millions. Meanwhile in Asia the third powerful empire of Timur (Ottoman empire) was happening and it expanded until the Balkans.
It was on the 15th century when Constantinople falls, giving chance to European civilization to conquer this Eastern area.
Hope this info is useful.