The quoted words of Erasmus reflect the era of the Renaissance in that it rightly gave the impression of someone waking up from a deep sleep, into a new and more positive period.
Step-by-step explanation:
Renaissance is the "rebirth" or the reawakening in the field of science, technology, politics, arts and knowledge. This event brought about a transition from the Middle ages to modernity, thereby heralding a new beginning of knowledge and life values. It also signifies the change in perception of the people, from the previous religious based attitude of judging things to a more humanistic form of society.
The quote "the world is waking out of a deep sleep" is said by Desiderius Erasmus in his 1519 letter to Sir Henry Guildford. And he had rightly said so considering the events that precede the Renaissance. The era before Renaissance was the age of gothic, the dark period where religious belief form the basis of society. However, the Renaissance period marks the new era of enlightenment, a new approach to humanity. The arts, the literature and the politics of this new era propagates the classical beliefs of the ancient Greeks.