5- As Earth revolves around the Sun, the hemisphere that is tilted towards or away from the Sun changes. The hemisphere facing the Sun would be brighter and warmer as compared the hemisphere not facing the sun and sun light is not able to reach directly.
6- The model demonstrates they way in which the intensity of the sunlight shining on Earth changes over the course of the year in a way that when the hemisphere is facing the sun they sun light's intensity is high and it is warmer when the hemisphere is not facing the sun the sunlight's ray are tilted and consequently the region is colder.
7- In summer North America is facing the sun making it warmer as the sun light is directly reaching it and intensity is high. Angle of tilt is 23.5 degrees.
8- If the earth was not tilted then would no longer me seasons as the temperature and precipitation pattern would not vary much. Equator would be warm and poles would have been cold.