Step-by-step explanation:
In Hindu philosophy, atman is the universal self or the identical with the eternal core of the personality that after death either transmigrates to a new life or attains release. In other words, atman is better known as the human soul. While brahman is the is the absolute god of Hindus; it occupies the highest place as the creator. We need to understand these two concepts to understand their true meaning. There is no consequence of these views since they are the same views of other religions, only on a Hindu perspective. The way it changes the way individuals relate to each other and the divine, is the way we interact with both of them. If we understand our soul and its purpose we become more careful with our acts and the way we treat each other. And by understanding brahman, we can find a more spiritual way to connect to the divine. In our every day life, we get through each day not really thinking in our actions. Acknowledging these concepts help us become more mindful of our every day life. We become more aware of our surroundings and start looking at every detail.