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CompletarFill in the blanks Activity Textbook InstructionsRelaciona cada producto de la lista con el grupo alimenticio (food group) correcto. October 21 11:59 PM (late) 2 attempts remaining Grade settings External referencesVocabulary list 262-267 Questions Modelo La carne es del grupo uno. Word Bank reference el aceite el arroz el azúcar las bananas el café la carne los cereales los espárragos los frijoles la leche el pescado el vino

User GsMalhotra
6.8k points

1 Answer

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el aceite (oil) es del grupo 5

el arroz (rice) es del grupo 1

el azúcar (sugar) es del grupo 5

las bananas (banannas) son del grupo 4

el café (coffee) es del grupo 1

la carne (meat) es del grupo 2

los cereales (cereals) son del grupo 1

los espárragos (sparragous) son del grupo 4

los frijoles (beans) son del grupo 1

la leche (milk) es del grupo 3

el pescado (fish) es del grupo 2

el vino (wine) es del grupo 5

Step-by-step explanation:

1 Carbohydrates

1 CarbohydratesThis group contains starchy foods such as pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, noodles, yam, green bananas, sweet potato, millet, couscous, breads, breakfasts cereals, barley and rye.

1 CarbohydratesThis group contains starchy foods such as pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, noodles, yam, green bananas, sweet potato, millet, couscous, breads, breakfasts cereals, barley and rye.2 Protein

1 CarbohydratesThis group contains starchy foods such as pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, noodles, yam, green bananas, sweet potato, millet, couscous, breads, breakfasts cereals, barley and rye.2 ProteinThis group contains meat, fish and eggs as well as vegetable protein, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, dahl, Quorn and soya.

1 CarbohydratesThis group contains starchy foods such as pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, noodles, yam, green bananas, sweet potato, millet, couscous, breads, breakfasts cereals, barley and rye.2 ProteinThis group contains meat, fish and eggs as well as vegetable protein, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, dahl, Quorn and soya. 3 Milk and dairy products

1 CarbohydratesThis group contains starchy foods such as pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, noodles, yam, green bananas, sweet potato, millet, couscous, breads, breakfasts cereals, barley and rye.2 ProteinThis group contains meat, fish and eggs as well as vegetable protein, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, dahl, Quorn and soya. 3 Milk and dairy productsThis group contains milk, yoghurt, fromage frais, milkshakes, cheese – both hard cheese and soft cheese including soft cheese triangles.

1 CarbohydratesThis group contains starchy foods such as pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, noodles, yam, green bananas, sweet potato, millet, couscous, breads, breakfasts cereals, barley and rye.2 ProteinThis group contains meat, fish and eggs as well as vegetable protein, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, dahl, Quorn and soya. 3 Milk and dairy productsThis group contains milk, yoghurt, fromage frais, milkshakes, cheese – both hard cheese and soft cheese including soft cheese triangles.4 Fruit and vegetables

1 CarbohydratesThis group contains starchy foods such as pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, noodles, yam, green bananas, sweet potato, millet, couscous, breads, breakfasts cereals, barley and rye.2 ProteinThis group contains meat, fish and eggs as well as vegetable protein, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, dahl, Quorn and soya. 3 Milk and dairy productsThis group contains milk, yoghurt, fromage frais, milkshakes, cheese – both hard cheese and soft cheese including soft cheese triangles.4 Fruit and vegetablesThis group includes fresh as well as frozen, tinned, dried and juices of fruits and vegetables.

1 CarbohydratesThis group contains starchy foods such as pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, noodles, yam, green bananas, sweet potato, millet, couscous, breads, breakfasts cereals, barley and rye.2 ProteinThis group contains meat, fish and eggs as well as vegetable protein, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, dahl, Quorn and soya. 3 Milk and dairy productsThis group contains milk, yoghurt, fromage frais, milkshakes, cheese – both hard cheese and soft cheese including soft cheese triangles.4 Fruit and vegetablesThis group includes fresh as well as frozen, tinned, dried and juices of fruits and vegetables. 5 Fats and sugars

1 CarbohydratesThis group contains starchy foods such as pasta, rice, oats, potatoes, noodles, yam, green bananas, sweet potato, millet, couscous, breads, breakfasts cereals, barley and rye.2 ProteinThis group contains meat, fish and eggs as well as vegetable protein, nuts, beans, peas, lentils, dahl, Quorn and soya. 3 Milk and dairy productsThis group contains milk, yoghurt, fromage frais, milkshakes, cheese – both hard cheese and soft cheese including soft cheese triangles.4 Fruit and vegetablesThis group includes fresh as well as frozen, tinned, dried and juices of fruits and vegetables. 5 Fats and sugarsThis group contains butter, margarine, cooking oils, cream, salad dressings, chocolate, crisps, sugary soft drinks, sweets, jam, cakes, pudding, biscuits and pastries.

User C Dot StrifeVII
7.2k points