Marta estaba¹ leyendo un libro en su apartamento cuando Martín la llamó² por teléfono. Martín le preguntó³ si quería⁴ ir al parque cerca de la Plaza San Salvador con él. Marta le dijo⁵ que sí, aunque tenía⁶ mucho que leer para la semana próxima. Martín vino⁷ a las 3:00 y los dos salieron⁸ juntos al parque. Mientras ellos caminaban⁹, los dos se hablaban¹⁰ cariñosamente. Los dos se sentían¹¹ muy contentos porque hacía¹² buen tiempo y era¹³ sábado. No tenían¹⁴ que levantarse temprano el día siguiente. En el parque ellos se sentaron¹⁵ en un banco y miraron¹⁶ a la gente por un rato. Cuando ellos observaban¹⁷ a una pareja vieja en otro banco, un señor se les acercó¹⁸ con unos globos grandísimos. El señor les explicó¹⁹ que él los vendía²⁰ en el parque todos los sábados. Martín le compró²¹ uno a Marta y los dos se rieron²².
estaba¹↪ imperfect. This action was happening when the call interrupted the action.
llamó²↪ preterite. This action interrupted what was happening.
preguntó³↪ preterite. This action happened only once and ended in the past.
quería⁴↪ imperfect. We are providing background information.
dijo⁵↪ preterite. This action happened only once and ended in the past.
tenía⁶↪ imperfect. We are providing background information.
vino⁷↪ preterite. This action happened only once and ended in the past.
salieron⁸↪ preterite. This action happened only once and ended in the past.
caminaban⁹↪ imperfect. We are providing background information.
hablaban¹⁰↪ imperfect. We are providing background information.
sentían¹¹↪ imperfect. We are providing background information.
hacía¹²↪ imperfect. We are providing background information.
era¹³↪ imperfect. We are providing background information.
tenían¹⁴↪ imperfect. We are providing background information.
sentaron¹⁵↪ preterite. This action happened only once and ended in the past.
miraron¹⁶↪ preterite. This action happened only once and ended in the past.
observaban¹⁷↪ imperfect. This action was happening when the man interrupted the action.
acercó¹⁸↪ preterite. This action interrupted what was happening.
explicó¹⁹↪ preterite. This action happened only once and ended in the past.
vendía²⁰↪ imperfect. To describe in Spanish a habitual activity in the past we have to use the imperfect past.
compró²¹↪ preterite. This action happened only once and ended in the past.
rieron²²↪ preterite. This action happened only once and ended in the past.
Marta was reading a book in her apartment when Martin called her on the phone. Martin asked her if she wanted to go to the park near Plaza San Salvador with him. Marta said yes, although she had a lot to read for next week. Martin came at 3:00 and they went out to the park together. When they walked, they talked to each other affectionately. They both felt very happy because it was good weather and it was Saturday. They did not have to get up early next day. In the park they sat on a bench and looked at people for a while. When they watched an old couple on another bench, a man approached them with huge balloons. The man explained that he sold them at the park every Saturday. Martín bought one for Marta and they both laughed.