Confucian doctrine or Confusionism
Step-by-step explanation:
Confusionism considers that society institutions are family, school, and state; therefore its priests are not separate liturgical specialists, but parents, teachers, and officials.
Confusionism not only focuses in institutions but also has another important concept: humaneness (ren). Ren is translated as love or kindness and it's considered the source of all virtues.
Mixing these two ideas we can see the general idea that Confusionism has of a family: It has a high ideal for family interaction where members are supposed to treat each other with love, respect, and consideration for the needs of all. At the same time, and since family is one of the most important society institutions it must have an strict and firm control on their members.
Therefore, we can see that the answer to the question is Confucian doctrine or Confusianism since it blends parental love within the family with strict and firm control.