The items below that can change the meaning of a word because 'all' of them show how different parts of a word change the words meaning.
Prefix- Can change the meaning of a word because just adding a simple -UN- or -NON- can completely flip its meaning. For example, Un able and able.
Suffix- Can change the meaning of a word because you can add something at the end of the word to flip its meaning. For example, small and smallest.
Affix- Can change the meaning of a word because an affix can be a suffix or a prefix and both change the meaning of a word.
Context- Can change the meaning of a word depending on what the context is saying. For example, My brother threw a ball at my face, but if you have some context around this statement it can chage its meaning, for example my brother and I were playing catch and accidentally threw a ball at my face.
Hope this helps