Some of the sociological changes caused by the automobile are:
Automobiles have created many more impacts in our Society through many ways from time to time since the invention. Although, it created many positive impacts, there is no denying fact that it has some negative influences too.
Some of the positive changes are:
- Cars made the life easier for commuters who can afford to live farther from urban areas (suburban) and travel with ease and convenience.
- It allowed people increased access to goods and services by driving to the stores nearby.
- It helped people to travel with privacy and freedom
Recently, the effect of automobile on Society had some negative influences also due to following reasons:
- With the increased use of automobile vehicles, the emission of air pollution not only led to health deterioration of many lives but also became a cause of global warming. However, with the recent invention and gradual usage of emission free electric vehicles, it would not be disadvantageous factors for human lives.
- With the mushrooming use of automobile vehicles, road accidents have become a common trend that causes injuries and loss of lives.