1. EMIGRATION --- Leaving one's homeland to settle in a new place
2. INMIGRATION --- The movement of people to a new country
3. UNDERPOPULATION --- Birth rate insufficient to replace the existing population
4. UNSUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT --- Resources being used up at a faster rate than they can be replenished
5. MIGRATION --- The movement from one place to another
6. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT --- The ability to meet current needs without reducing the ability to meet future needs
7. OVERPOPULATION --- The number of people exceeds the available natural resources in an area
8. URBANIZATION --- The increase in the population of a city
Step-by-step explanation:
1- Emigration is the word that refers to leave a country, place or area for a long time to come. Emigration is often used in relation to the concept of immigration, which refers to immigration to a country or region.
2- Immigration is a form of human migration and refers to the immigration and permanent residence of foreign-born persons in a country. The person who immigrated is called immigrant or immigrant.
3- Overpopulation is a stable (that is, not caused by one-off emergency) population decline in a settlement, region, or country due to narrowed reproduction, natural or migratory attrition; in the long term leading to the destruction of the social (political, economic and cultural) way of life and community.
4- Unsustainable development does not take care of resources, depriving future generations of their availability.
5- Migration involves the movement of people from one place to another, with the aim of permanently settling in the new place.
6- Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of today's society without making concessions at the expense of future generations.
7- Overpopulation is a term used to indicate that too many people live, live, or are present in a country, area, city, in a particular place, and on a global scale, causing problems.
8- Urbanization is a migration from rural to urban areas. In the statistics, urbanization is a percentage of the proportion of an area's population living in cities.