In order to solve this problem we first have to use the surface area for the sphere, which is:

We have that the area of the metal would be 31415.93 cm2.
So we need the sphere to have a minor density than 1g/cm3 in order to keep its bouyancy on water, and the volume of the sphere is: 522,025 cm3.
That in kilograms/m3 would be 522.025 kg, we withdraw form this the weight of the device 1.2 kg=1200 g= 520 825 g
Now we just divide the weight by the density to see the volume of our housing:

That is our volume, as we have the area we just divide:

So the the height necessary to mantain a neutrally bouyant, with the wieght of the device and the housing would be 1.184 cm