Physiological effects: Anxiety, low motivation, and self-esteem, constant irritation, between others.
Harmful behaviors: Stress can lead to different harmful behaviors, to the same person and others. The irritation is a constant and sometimes interferes in the social relationships of the individual, usually, the rage and bad sensations produced by the stress are relived reacting in an aggressive way towards something or somebody, occasioning consequences of a different kind.
Indirect-Health Behaviors: The stress normally leads to different practices harmful to the health and human body, for example, it´s common to see the smoke habit in people under permanent stress jobs or situations, so the stress in an indirect way, induce in a negatively against the good health of a human being.
In Conclusion, we can see that stress is very harmful to us in all the ways possible, physiologically tends to impact negatively in different self sensations and reactions with the environment and other people, the harmful behaviors are provoked due to all internal the mental conflict, normally being exteriorized and generating a different kind of consequences. The Indirect Health behaviors start to aggravate all the ¨stress storm¨, due to this, the addition of different damages generated by it, starts to impact the immune system itself.
The health starts to be considered damaged following this and starts to manifest through different symptoms, like depression, high blood pressure, bad memory, headaches, sexual problems, and more.
The good thing based on the concept of different people with chronic stress, once the conduct, patterns, and behaviors start to change (promoted by the same person itself) all the symptoms starts to slowly disappear.