No, he can´t.
Step-by-step explanation:
The implied warranties are basically legal terms, that assure the good conditions, functionality, and merchantability of determined product.
In this case, it´s implied that the same happens with this ¨Beechcraft Baron Airplane¨ transaction, the agent assured and gave his word to Thompson, affirming the ¨excellent general conditions¨ of the plane, and because of this, the deal was made.
However, Mr. Thompon´s committed a ¨innocent mistake¨, once he closed the sales agreement.
This mistake was basically signing the agreement under the ¨AS IS¨ conditions provoking the automatically denial of the ¨implied warranty¨ regular application , since it was clearly stated in bold letters the previous phrase and, ¨no representations or warranties, express or implied, including the condition of the aircraft, its merchantability, or its fitness for any particular purpose.".
Mr. Thompson agreed to trust 100% on the agents word ( that´s why was cataloged as a ¨innocent mistake¨) that the plane was in excellent conditions, this way he proceeded to sign all the papers, accepting the supposed ¨remarkable and functional status¨ (even when it wasn´t the case) of it, this way ignoring the phrases and different specifications stated in the contract, this automatically removed the ¨implied warranty¨ condition, and exempted United Technologies of any kind of responsibility