3 votes
Think back to a time when you had a fight with a friend, family member, classmate, or coworker and it didn't end well. What was the fight about? Sometimes it is hard to remember exactly what the argument was about; rather we remember feeling that we were treated unjustly during the argument or that we weren't being listened to. But guess what? During fights, the other person most likely feels the same way, too. So once you've thought back to a fight you've had, you are going to write about how this fight could have been different. Consider tips you've learned about handling conflict—such as acknowledging aloud the other person's concerns or not blaming the other person. If you had to relive that situation all over again, how would you fix the fight or keep it from turning into one? Think about the following questions and then write several paragraphs in response:

When did the fight occur, and what was it about?
Who was at fault—you, the other person, or both of you?
Why do you think it ended poorly?
In general, what would you have done differently?
What could you have said differently that would have let the other person know you were listening?
If you could take back something you said during the fight, what would it be?
What do you wish you would have said during that fight?
Did the fight result in your not being friends or not getting along with that person anymore?
Would you want repair your relationship with this person again? If so, what are some possible ways to fix the damage?

Using several paragraphs, write an essay that addresses all the questions above.

User Psms
7.6k points

2 Answers

7 votes

Answer: one time i had a fight with a classmate.

this classmate and i were not friends she had spread rumor's about me that weren't true. after 2 semesters of unfriendly looks and getting called out for every little thing i had had enough. i stopped her strait on when i was walking to the next class. i asked why was she spreading rumors about me. she only said because when i first came to this school you didn't want to be my friend. this was not true. we as we talked, i think she realized that i was not talking to her on propose, it was just that i was shy. after we had talked it out she stopped the rumors and left me alone. we weren't friends but we weren't enemy's anymore.

something i would have done differently was do this before it got out of hand.

User Zeeshan Bin Iqbal
6.5k points
6 votes

Answer:I will give you an explains!

My fight was with a friend, a friend that I was close with.

The fight occurred when we were at my place, and it was about my friend, helping her with her sadness with her boyfriend because they broke up. My best friend was at fault because she said that I wasn’t helping and that I was useless.. It ended poorly because I said, “Your boyfriend broke up with you because of your rude attitude!”

I should’ve said, “I’m sorry that I cannot help but we can think this way through!”

Just so she knows that I am helping her, listing to her.

I want to take back what I said, what I said was, “You always ignore my words when I try to help! You should at least take my advice just so you can at-least try to be a better person!”

I wish that I said, “I’m sorry that I am not helping much, I hope that my words can be atleast helpful at times, maybe you can say sorry to your ex and say how much you miss him, being with him of the good times you spend together.”

My fight ended up not being friends anymore.

I want to repair the damage that I made with my friend, maybe fix myself and choose more sensitive words between me and my friend.

Explanation: In friendships, we always have bad times, when we build down together apart, but not everything is always gonna stay the same, but saying sorry might always fix some problems. The good times are when you love the moments being spent with your friends, so don’t take your anger over your friends!

User Jelle Foks
6.8k points