All natural biomes have natural cycles and human activities disrupt these cycles. The organisms that make up each biome can have an interdependent relationship where the survival of one organism rests on the other. Abiotic factors also
A. deserts:
Deserts are impacted by human activities such as drilling and mining. Drilling destroys the land and disrupt those that live on or even beneath it. Like most biomes they are disrupted by development. When we clear land for the infrastructures that will be used for driilling an mining, we clear even the areas where other organisms live in.
B. Grasslands:
Grasslands are devasted in human activities such as livestock rearing. When livestock graze on grasslands, they speed up the rate of erosion. Another would be development. Grasslands and ecosystems are disrupted when we clear areas for development. Agriculture or farming methods also affect the natural cycle of these biomes.
C. Forests:
Deforestation is a human activiy that devastates the ecosystems in this biome. When we cut trees, we also cut down the homes of the organisms that live in them and we cut the resrouces of the organisms that rely on these organisms who are ousted.
Hunting is another activity that affects the forest. Hunting removes members of the forest ecosystem. When exploited, it may lead to the endangerment and even extinction of key species in the ecosystem.
D. Mountains:
When we remove plants and trees from the mountains, we disrupt the soil integrity which may lead to increased rates of weathering and erosion. Landslides often occur die to this. Also when we build roads along the mountain, we destroy the natural physical form of the mountains.
Mining also a human activity that affects mountains. When we mine through the mountains, we leave a hollow area in it, removed of the nutrient filled soil. These affects the plants and trees that grow on it.