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How successful was British expansion in the subcontinent to 1857? 14 marks question O levels​

1 Answer

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The East India Company was A Trading Compnay Founded in 1600. It Carried Profitable Trade and Later it Grew into Military Power and Had Planted

itself Firmly in India. Between 1757 And 1857 the British Expanded their control over the Indian Territories in Oder to Insure Continuation Of their

Trade. India Provided food Grain for Britsih Menufactured Goods. In fact British Industrial Development was financed by the Profit Obtained from

Trade with India.

The British Looked after their Possessions in The Middle East and the Far East from their strong Hold in india. The Volume and Strategic Importance

of the Sub-continent meant that it was too Valueable to be left in the Hands of a Trading Compnay.

In the 19th Century became Fearful of the Russian Expanion In Central Asia. It Worried the British so Much that they Made Moves to Secure Afghanistan.

Although they failed to Take Contorl of Afghan in 1839, But in 1858, After the War of Independnace in 1857, the British Assumed Full and Proper Control

Of Whole of India. Through a Declartion the Contorl of East India Company was Ended in 1858 and India went Under the Contorl of the British


In Short, The huge volume of Profitable Trade and Strategic importance of India and Fear of Expension of the Russian into Central Asia were the Reasons

why the Britsih Government Took control of the Affairs of the East India Company in the Early Nineteenth Century.

User Pikoh
6.4k points