(1) They are trying to ensure that a social goal is satisfied.
(2) Rent control is an illustration of a price ceiling and the minimum wage is an illustration of a price floor.
Step-by-step explanation:
(1) Ideally there is no price control in a capitalist economy. However, in some situations this may occur to ensure that social welfare is preserved. For example, if the cost of oil rises to a very high level, some governments impose a control on the price of gasoline so that everyone can keep their cars in circulation until the price normalizes.
(2) There are situations where the government extip a maximum or minimum price. This is called price ceiling or price floor. When the government sets a maximum rent price, this is called the price cap. In this case, no rent can cost more than the government price ceiling. Similarly, the price floor is a minimum value that a price can reach. Wage is the price of labor, so the minimum wage is the minimum value at which labor can be paid. This exists to maintain a minimum standard of people's quality of life.