In the first exercise, we have to find a word that doesn't belong to the same meaning group as the other ones.
1. espejo champú maquillaje crema de afeitar
espejo - mirror
champú - shampoo
maquillaje - make up
crema de afeitar - shaving foam
They are all hygiene products except from espejo.
2. bañarse ducharse lavarse ponerse
bañarse - bathe
ducharse - shower
lavarse - wash yourself up
ponerse - put on
They all refer to clean yourself with water except from ponerse.
3. inodoro ducha lavabo pantuflas
inodoro - toilet
ducha - shower
lavabo - sink
pantuflas - slippers
They are all part of the bathroom except from pantuflas.
4. despertador levantarse jabón despertarse
despertador - alarm clock
levantarse - get up
jabón - soap
despertarse - wake up
They all have to do with leaving bed in the morning except from jabón.
5. entonces manos cara pelo
entonces - then
manos - hands
cara - face
pelo - hair
They are all part of body except from entonces.
Aarón se despierta a las siete, pero no se levanta hasta las siete y cuarto.
(Aaron wakes up at 7am, but he doesn't get up until 7.15.)
Se pone la ropa y come el desayuno (breakfast).
(He puts his clothes on and eats breakfast.)
Va al baño y se ducha; luego se afeita.
(He goes to the bathroom and he takes a shower, later on he shaves.)
Antes de vestirse, se cepilla el pelo.
(Before putting his clothes on, he brushes his hair.)
Se cepilla los dientes, se pone los zapatos y por último sale para sus clases.
(He brushes his teeth, he puts his shoes on y finally his goes to his classes.)
It is illogical because he cannot first put his clothes on and later on take a shower.