No doubt, with the progress of technology in recent years, trips have been upgraded in a lot of ways including convenience, time saving and enjoyment.
Step-by-step explanation:
Trips or Traveling is a way to make ourself chill and relax. Some people go to trips in order to explore the world. With the advancement of technology the trip ratio has also been increased. Technology offers much ease to everyone out there.
Following are some of the points offered by technology to change trips.
- In gone days, we used to have boarding passes, prints of airline tickets and hotel reservations in a manual way. While now this has been upgraded to online system. Everything can be pre-booked and time can be saved.
- We have now compacted our luggages for trips as now need of carrying i pods or mp3 to enjoy music. Everything is there in an android device.
- We no longer need to carry money in bulk with us as electronic transactions had made it very much safer and easier to roam without cash by providing credit/debit cards.