350 of 1250 as a fraction is

In the question two numbers are given to us which are 350 and 1250.
We are asked to find what 350 of 1250 is.
Usually when the word ‘of’ is used it mean multiplication, but in this case ‘of’ is used as a way of letting us know that 350 is a part of 1250.
So they want to us to find what fraction of 1250 is 350.
To find that we have to do divide 350 by 1250
So now we have

But this fraction is not in its simplest form.
To convert it into its simplest form, we divide both the numerator and denominator by 10.
Now the fraction is

Which can further be reduced. Now divide both the numerator and denominator by 5.
We get;

Hence 350 of 1250 as a fraction is