Successful suppression of this anxiety is the basis for child rearing no longer wanting to take the father's place in relation to the mother.
Step-by-step explanation:
Obviously, castration anxiety does not refer to a kind of anatomical mutilation. It is a very intense psychic experience that is usually experienced for the first time between 3 and 5 years old. However, this unconscious experience repeats itself at various times in life, particularly when defense mechanisms are at stake. Thanks to this psychic experience, the child learns to differentiate the sexes and recognize for the first time impossible desires.
According to Freud, a man experiences castration anxiety in response to feelings of fear that his father will punish him for the desire to have his mother to himself. In this context, the successful repression of this anxiety is the basis for the child no longer wanting to take the father's place in relation to the mother. In other words, she renounces her mother and accepts paternal law. He does this to resolve his castration anxiety. He always unconsciously assumes that if he persists, he will be without his penis.