The pyramids at Giza are built.
The embalming process is developed.
Step-by-step explanation:
The embalming took its true form during the reign of the first dynasty in ancient Egypt about 3,200 years BC. This process is so perfect that it is still difficult to surpass it today. The first written trace of embalming was left by Herodotus.
The Pyramids of Giza or the Great Pyramids are one of the seven wonders of the world. They are located in Egypt, near Cairo on the Giza Plateau. They are the oldest and only surviving miracle in the world to date. The Great Pyramids consist of three monumental buildings that are different from other Egyptian pyramids scattered throughout the Sahara Desert. They are located in the city of Giza, the necropolis of ancient Memphis (today it is a suburb of Cairo).
The Pyramid of Cheops was built by order of Pharaoh of the fourth dynasty, circa 2560 BC as his tomb.