Climax = 1)The point of highest action in a story; the turning point.
Domain-specific Word = 2)A word having to do with a specific field of activity or study.
Academic Word = 3)A word used in educational settings more than in conversation; often a more precise word in place of a more common word.
Context Clue = 4)A word or phrase in a text that helps define another word in the text.
Exposition = 5)The beginning of a narrative wherein the setting, characters, and basic situation are introduced.
Omniscient Narrator = 6)A narrator outside a story (third person) who knows everything about the characters and events in a story.
Unreliable Narrator = 7)A narrator who is not dependable or trustworthy; the narrator may be dishonest, malicious, confused, ignorant, or naive.
Reliable Narrator = 8)A narrator who can be depended on to tell the truth as far as they know it.
Limited Narrator = 9)A narrator outside a story (third person) who knows the thoughts and feelings of only a single character.