After 5 years (2015)
The population is increasing 5% per year, so the first year it will be 1.05 of the initial, the next year 1.05x1.05 of the initial, and then successively, so, for n years:
P(n) = 600,000*(1.05)ⁿ
The food suply increase 10,000 people per year, so the first year will be 10,000 + the initial, the next year 10,000 + 10,000 + the initial, and then successively, so, for n years:
F(n) = 70,000 + 10,000*n
P(n) > F(n)
600,000*(1.05)ⁿ > 70,000 + 10,000*n
(1.05)ⁿ > 1.167 + 0.0167n
Solving in a computer:
n > 4.42
So, after 5 years the population exceed the food supply.