The time period between birth and becoming one year old is called infancy. The crisis faced by infants during this stage is the process of trust development and this task is directly connected with attachment.
Step-by-step explanation:
Infancy is a stage of complete dependence. Thus the development of trust in infants completely depends on how dependable the care givers are. If they are able to give adequate love and care to the infant the infant develops trust.
If the infant is taken care of by emotionally unavailable caregivers who refuse to give love and care to the infant the infant develops a feeling of mistrust. It begins to believe that the world is inconsistent and cannot be trusted.
The development of trust has a close connection with the attachment patterns of the child in future. The infant who failed to develop trust fails to develop attachment in future relationships.
A personal observation is the case of a child from my neighbourhood. His parents were unable to make time to take care of him as an infant due to their busy lives. The child now is a withdrawn individuals and fears in developing attachments.