-17th century
The last Shogunate of Japan
-social order
-limited trade
-17th c. population boom: relative peace leads to tripling of population in 1600s
Tokugawa Shogunate founded by Tokugawa Ieyasu
In the Tokugawa Shogunate: social, economic, and political inequity/hierarchies structured village life
Villages made up domains that were ruled by Daimyos
Had one of the most complex, sophisticated beuracracies in Japan
The Shogunate regulated how the Daimyo ran their domains
-Daimyo had to contribute men and money to the Shogun's building projects
-Each Daimyo must spend half his time in his domain and the other half in the Shogun's capital at Edo
-could only have a limited number of guns
The Shogunate:
-refurbished highways with checkpoints to keep guns out of Edo
-took over mines for precious metals such as silver
-forbade the practice of Christianity
-strict trade only with the Dutch and Chinese at the Nagasaki port
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