A network portion of an IP address can be identified by its own IP number/code available on its host.
Step-by-step explanation:
There are a variety of networks tied to an IP address, though each IP has its own number/code with specific informations, such as mail address, mobile numbers, ID user information, and more; that is the single difference for each IP address. This IP number/code is always available for its host and for the main organization responsible for the general working of the Internet, besides some companies and agencies the user has given access to. The IP addresses are divided into classes and sub-classes of networks, which means that for identifying them, it is necessary to identify their specific class and/or sub-class among others, although that is not an obligation, only a detail fact. By getting to know the IP address number/code, a person can get into more specific and personal information available on the online tracking records related to that specific IP address, such as its network portions and much more.