Answer: 2022 would have the most accurate inventory whilst 2021 would have the least accurate inventory.
Step-by-step explanation:
Based on common Accounting practice, Stock takes are conducted on the first day of a new month or a new Quarter (i.e. April, July, Oct and Jan) or a new year. The intention being to ensure the carrying stock in the company records or the ERP are the same or as close as possible as what is physically in the warehouse.
However, this doesn't preclude stock takes from happening on impulse, irregularly and sometimes limited to specific items of inventory. Where certain occurrences took place within a business, this is likely to be the case. Chief of which is suspected pilferage of stock items by employees, in addition we may consider natural & man-made disasters, identified incorrect recording of stock utilization in production processes etc
In 2021, if most of Garret Market stock in hand are slow moving items, meaning consumption of materials can be predicted albeit the level of consumption is low. It makes sense to continue its operations to generate as much revenue as it can without allowing the stock take exercise squander its chances at profitability.
In 2022, there may have been identified or suspected cases of theft thus necessitating a complete shut down of operations.
Whilst in 2023 it had perfected the art of running both concurrently.
The perfect answer therefore lies in the size and pace of operations of the Business and how it’s able to manage stock takes without disrupting it’s core function of providing consumer goods.