Option A: They are supported by short-range wireless communication technologies.
Step-by-step explanation:
M-commerce is a progression of e-commerce which is being used on vast scale now-a-days like in online shopping, online payments etc.
- As m-commerce applications have facilitated so much, they also support short ranged communication technologies such as Bluetooth which allows the connectivity to internet as well as offers sharing among different devices.
- m-commerce applications are also compatible with 3G and 4G and even they have been promoted in a remarkable way. As these generations provide much faster speed and better connection, they have added much more to the business.
- m-commerce applications don't rely on voice recognition or text-to-text speech as they bother not to know who actually is interested. They rather make sure of payment methods to make the payments secure and certain.
- The m-commerce is totally free from wired protocols as it uses handheld devices including cell phones, tablets or laptops. So that the mobility is ensured.