By behaving like this Hillary acts as someone described in the Large Majority diffucsion of innovation.
Step-by-step explanation:
To understand this answer we have to remember all the categories to notice why she belongs to our choice.
First, innovators: This is the people prepared and predisposed to create new technology to experience it and because of their high social and economic level they can endure any loss.
Early adopters: these are the guys who have the highest social and economic levels between the adopters. However, they also have the greatest level of leadership in the adoption of new technology.
Early majority: this group is characterized by the people who feel the drive to acquire the technology but they wait a good amount of time to adopt it. Their access to that innovation is because they have relationships with early adopters.
Late majority: This group has less economic resources, less leadership and has a big amount of skepticism about the adoption of technology so they employ it after the average participant has done it.
Laggards: This group has the lowest level of leadership, social status and drive to adopt new technology. Also, they oppose change agents.
Thus, that's why our answer was correct.