Pope and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire
Step-by-step explanation:
In 1520, the Pope angered by Luther's science issued a proclamation condemning alleged Luther's delusions, ordering his books to be burned and giving him 60 days to obey him. Luther, not at all touched by this bull, threw it into the fire, or burned it with the writings of those who supported the Pope's authority before a group of professors, students and citizens. In doing so, he made it clear that he was breaking up with Rome.
In 1521, the Pope issued a new proclamation against Martin Luther. Luther and his supporters were now excluded from the church and put under curse. At the end of 1520 Luther publicly burned the pope's proclamation, and in January 1521 the pope in turn excommunicated him.
Emperor Charles V, as executor of the papal excommunication, invited Luther to attend a council in Worms in April 1521 to have Luther recall his teaching there. Luther appeared, but refused to give up his teaching, claiming that he could not go against his conscience, so a sentence of persecution from the state was imposed against him and his like-minded people.