The main presidential power is commander in chief of The United States Armed Forces, the president commands and directs the military, and he is responsible for planning military strategies and action.
Along with armed forces, the president also directs the US foreing policy, through the Department of State and the Department of Defense, the president is responsible for all US citizens abroad.
The president is the head of the executive branch and he may remove any executive official at hios discretion, the President should “take care that the laws be faithfully executed”.
The presidential powers of the modern times have been shaped by a combination of constitutional and evolutionary powers. The forceful personalities of strong Presidents have expanded the role far beyond the greatest fears of the antifederalists of the late 1700s.
Franklin Roosevelt, who was elected four times to the presidency, he led the nation through the crises of the GREAT DEPRESSION and WORLD WAR II. Roosevelt gained power through his New Deal programs to regulate the economy,