4 votes
(100 points for a 850 word essay on Why we should or shouldn't go to war with North Korea)

I have a beginning to it but i need someone to finish it please and thank you!

I believe we shouldn't invade Korea. There are many better things we could be doing with our army and military. Korea has it's problems and are constantly threatening us, however violence is not the answer.

Firstly, Korea has been holding nuclear bomb "tests" in their country for months. We have gotten them to stop. But, if we initiate war with them, that gives Korea all the reasons to launch a nuclear attack and bomb our country. This reason also uses logic. If Kim Jong-un has put all of that money into developing nuclear bombs and such, why would he do it to begin with? He does it so that any country thinking of attacking or invading would think twice before trying it.

User Yuval Levy
5.7k points

1 Answer

3 votes

I believe we shouldn't invade Korea. There are many better things we could be doing with our army and military. Korea has it's problems and are constantly threatening us, however violence is not the answer.

Firstly, Korea has been holding nuclear bomb "tests" in their country for months. We have gotten them to stop. But, if we initiate war with them, that gives Korea all the reasons to launch a nuclear attack and bomb our country. This reason also uses logic. If Kim Jong-un has put all of that money into developing nuclear bombs and such, why would he do it to begin with? He does it so that any country thinking of attacking or invading would think twice before trying it.

Another initial point for this, would be that South Korea has almost half of their men in the military to protect themselves from North Korea. America has no place sending their troops in when South Korea has it covered. It start war with North Korea would turn heads all around the world. The South Korean would be insulted and other countries would start to take sides once again, starting world war three. To invade North Korea would mean certain death to many of the American troops. At the border, it is a scary place, where North Koreans set up cardboard towns and fake everything, to have their troops standing armed, readying to attack any intruders.

Though it would not be a loss for the United States as a whole, it would be a big mistake and kill many of the people. South Korea has it under control and knows the situation that North Korea is facing better than an one else, so if anyone should invade North Korea, it should be South Korea.

War on Korea would mean a new war, with bigger weapons. Loss of more people, and a wider range of people. If the threats that North Korea poses about having missels which can reach far and wide are true, then death will be on a higher toll than seen in any war. This would be a new necular mar unlike any seen before. This would cause economies to plunge, and people to be saddened over the death of their loved ones.

War has never been something with good ties to it, but war with North Korea would lead to possibly the most dangerous and brutal war this world has seen.

This has been the topic of many heated debates around the world. Many citizens of countries have been worried for their own safety due to the threats this country throws upon the world. So the United Nation has taken things into their owns hands. Due to North Korea's small economy, they face lots of challenges. One major challenge is that their food supply is running quite low.

America has joined the UN and has told them to stop sending any economic, finical, or food help to North Korea. America itself has stopped all trade with this country and will no longer send any help until they loosen up their government and stop with the threats.

President Donald Trump has made great progress in his presidency further than most of the presidents before him when it comes to this isolated country. He has been talking with the dictator about what needs to be accomplished for his country to rise once again. While the war that is going on in North Korea and America may not be a violent war, it has been a war rather of words. It has been one which people from all the countries in the world have joined in on.

In technical matters, the war with the two Koreas never ended. They are still at war. No peace treaty has been signed signaling the end of this war. While the chances of America winning the war is high, there is still also a very high chance of losing the war. Because Korea is not close to America, the troops are far from their homeland and this gives them a disadvantage from having their backup at easy command. Instead, they are thousands of miles away from backup. In the Korean War, the United States got a taste of why we should not go to war with North Korea, China will join in. And with the largest population in the world, comes with lost of troops to challenge the Americans at war. This would push the troops back, and would be a large loss of troops.

The North Koreans have been brainwashed, and locked into a mindset that the Americans are horrible people. In documentations, it shows mothers taking their children to school, singing the mandatory nursery rhymes to them. The lyrics when translated mean the following- "The Americans have betrayed us. Now instead of laughing with us they beg on their feet for mercy." This is not the view that anyone would want of their country being sung to small 5 year old children. To go into war with them would make it even worse. It would confirm their American fears, and send them into fear and hatred to the States.

User Lars Kotthoff
5.1k points