I would go with the answer "Let me ask my health provider first."
Step-by-step explanation:
Before changing your diet plan, it is always important to discuss with the health provider (nutrionist). This is due to several reasons. Firstly, he would be able to comment on scientific grounds whether my body needs protein or other energy sources. For example, if I am skinny and have very little body mass, maybe I should take some carbohydrates as well. So, his opinion is important in knowing if I need to increase my protein uptake. Secondly, he can also advise on the dosage of protein intake because, in some cases, high protein may cause ailments such as some colon cancer. Thirdly, he knows better about my health history and any medical conditions that may comes along with the change in diet plan. Therefore, it is always important to talk to health provider and discuss carefully about the change in diet plant etc.