0.033% kcals are from carbohydrates. Her carbohydrate intake is not within the ADMR.
Step-by-step explanation:
The ADMR is the average or acceptable macronutrient distribution range. It tells the predetermined ranges of intake for specific macronutrient like protein, fat or carbohydrate which are the energy nutrients taken in diet. 1g of carbohydrate provides 4 cal of energy hence 165g will provide 660cal of energy or 0.66Kcals of energy (1cal=0.001Kcals) which is 0.033% of the total calorie that is 2000kcals.
For women ADMR for intake of carbohydrate is 45 to 65% of the total calorie intake. For 2000Kcals 45 to 65% is 900Kcals but sally is taking only 0.033%Kcal.