Being arrested is a necessary cause for having a criminal trial.
Step-by-step explanation:
A child's birth is not a sufficient cause for having a cigar.
A child's birth is not a necessary cause for having a cigar
Being arrested is not a sufficient cause for having a criminal trial.
"A causal fallacy you commit this fallacy when you assume that a necessary condition of an event is sufficient for the event to occur. A necessary condition is a condition that must be present for an event to occur. A sufficient condition is a condition or set of conditions that will produce the event. A necessary condition must be there, but it alone does not provide sufficient cause for the occurrence of the event. Only the sufficient grounds can do this. In other words, all of the necessary elements must be there."
Reference: Department of Philosophy, Texas State University. “Confusion of Necessary with a Sufficient Condition.” Department of Philosophy : Texas State University, Texas State University, 15 May 2019