Ayer visité algunos lugares muy bonitos de la Ciudad de México. Estuve en el Parque Chapultepec, es hermoso. También conocí la Catedral Metropolitana y visité el Museo de Frida Kahlo. En esa casa ella pudo pintar algunos cuadros. Terminé muy cansada y me fui al hotel a descansar, por eso no te llamé anoche.
Step-by-step explanation:
All this verbs are in simple past, which is called in Spanish "pretérito perfecto simple". This is the meaning of the paragraph in English:
Yesterday I visited some very pretty places in Mexico City. I went to the Chapultepec Park, which is beautiful. I also got to know the Metropolitan Cathedral and I visited the Frida Kahlo Museum. In that house she could paint some paintings. I ended up very tired and went to the hotel for some rest, that's why I didn't call you.