1. Sr. y Sra. Uribe C. Uds.
2. Jaime A. tú
3. Juan y Marta D. Uds./vosotros
4. Srta. Vázquez B. Ud.
5. Teresa y Raquel E. Uds./vosotras
Step-by-step explanation:
Señora y Señora Uribe - as we have the title before the name, it is clear that we will utilize Ustedes.
Jaime - there is just his name, so we suppose that it is an informal situation. We can tutear.
Juan y Marta - Here, depending on the exact context and our relationship with these two people, we would use Ustedes (more formal) or vosotros (informal).
Señorita Vázquez - the title señorita implies that we will be formal and use Usted.
Teresa y Raquel - the same as in the example with Juan and Marta, depending on the exact context and our relationship with these two people, we would use Ustedes (more formal) or vosotras (informal).