While the Eastern Whip-poor-will – a nocturnal bird that feeds mostly in the very early morning – and the Common Nighthawk – a nocturnal bird from the same family that, despite its name, feeds mostly during the morning and evening– appear equal in size to each other when sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger due to its greater wingspan.
A. appear equal in size to each other when sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger due to its greater wingspan.
B. appear equal in size to one another when sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger due to its greater wingspan.
C. appear equal in size when sitting on a branch or in a nest; in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger because of its greater wingspan.
D. appear equal in size to each other when they are sitting on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger because of its greater wingspan
E. appear equal in size when they are seen on a branch or in a nest, in the air, the Common Nighthawk appears much larger because of its greater wingspan.