Question 1: Voy a nadar en la piscina. Necesito un traje de baño.
Question 2: Está lloviendo mucho. Necesito el impermeable.
Question 3: No puedo ver bien porque hace sol. Necesito gafas de sol.
Question 4: Voy a correr por el parque. Necesito los zapatos de tenis.
Question 5: Queremos entrar en muchas tiendas diferentes. Vamos al centro comercial.
Question 6: No tengo dinero en la cartera. Voy a pagar con la tarjeta de crédito.
Step-by-step explanation:
Translation of the answers:
Question 1: I'm going to swim in the pool. I need a swimsuit.
Question 2: It's raining a lot. I need the raincoat.
Question 3: I can't see well because it's sunny. I need sunglasses.
Question 4: I'm going to run through the park. I need tennis shoes.
Question 5: We want to enter many different stores. Let's go to the mall.
Question 6: I have no money in the wallet. I will pay with the credit card.