explanation of 5 categories of operating system given below
Step-by-step explanation:
5 categories of operating system are
1st is Interactive
Interactive operating system is that in which we direct interact with operating system even if when few other programs is run
and this is happen through a user interface that may command line or graphical user interface
and ex. are window and Macintosh
2nd Real time
Real time operating system is that in which it is require to serve purpose in real time and without much buffer delay time requirement is very critical
ex. are robots and air traffic control system
3rd is Hybrid
Hybrid operating system is that which is not base on a single operating system model but it may combine different model in term of speed and performance and utility
ex are Microsoft Windows NT kernel
4th is Embedded
Embedded operating systems is that in which it require to perform specific type job for system it may not be computer
ex are ATM
5th is Batch
Batch operating systems is that in which there are no direct interaction involved between the operating systems and Central Processing Unit
ex are Bank statement