1. Penélope me muestra sus fotos a mí.
2. A ustedes les explican el problema.
3. ¿Quién le presta el libro de historia a José?
4. A ti te compro un suéter bonito.
5. Yo les voy a dar mis composiciones a mis profesores.
6. ¿Nos vas a traer el documento a Ramón y a mí?
Step-by-step explanation:
The exercise aims for practicing indirect object pronouns in Spanish.
Me, te, le, nos, os, les are indirect object pronouns in Spanish. They are used to indicate who benefits from or is affected by the action of the verb in the sentence. The most common translations in English are: (to/for) me, you, him, her, us, them.
As pronouns they replace people, animals or objects.
Look at the following relation between personal pronoun, indirect object pronouns and their translation in English.
Personal Pronoun Indirect Object Pronoun English
yo me (to/for) me
tú te (to/for) you
el/ella/usted le (to/for) him/her/you
nosotros/nosotras nos (to/for) us
vosotros/vosotras os (to/for) you
ellos/ellas/ les (to/for) them