1. Miguel se alegra de que sus amigos reciclen los periódicos y los envases.
(Miguel is glad that his friends recycle the newspapers and packings.)
2. A los turistas les sorprende que el país proteja tanto los parques naturales.
( Tourists are surprised that the country protects natural parks so much.)
3. Maru teme que algunas personas cacen animales en peligro de extinción.
( Maru fears that some people hunt endangered animals.)
4. Don Diego siente que las playas de la ciudad estén contaminadas.
( Don Diego feels that the city's beaches are contaminated.)
5. Felipe y sus amigos esperan que el gobierno desarrolle nuevos sistemas de energía.
( Felipe and his friends expect the government to develop new energy systems.)
6. A Jimena le gusta que mi primo recoja y cuide animales abandonados.
( Jimena likes that my cousin picks up and cares for abandoned animals.)
Step-by-step explanation:
The task of this exercise is to practice 'emotions' and to conjugate the verbs into the correct form apart from using the appropriate reflexive pronouns in the cases where it was needed.
The general structure for each of these sentences is: the first verb is conjugated as Present of the Indicative mood, while the second verb is conjugated as Present of the Subjunctive mood.
The Present (Indicative) form suggests that the subject is talking about something that actually happens; while the Present (Subjunctive) form is used for desires, doubts, and hypothetical situations.